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Quip Frok? Hu Forte? Copo Fahrtima? Hubba Badunga? Ku Farta?
Che Clammo? Hug Fargyt? Kwa Farboola? Ooba Poopoo? Qui Frappe?
Hyo Frabbe? Kolu Fardullah? Kit Farne? Kuz Fezzzz? Wis Poopski?
OO Broke Wind? Kolu Fartescu? Wer Fartzen? Ka Farkokkennen?
Donga Piu? Qui a Coupé le Fromage?
Stops Nasty Butt Missiles In Seconds! If the people next door have taped up their windows to protect themselves from your ear-ringing, nose-breaking farts, you need help from Tooter's Little Fart Pills. This special formula not only neutralizes the reek from smelly butthole blow outs, it protects your own shorts from the telltale skids you leave behind. So whenever you feel a huge, sulphorous fart crawling along your intestines towards your exit, take a couple of Tooters. Your neighbours will thank you. So will the poor victims that are forced to live with you.

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